Friday, October 2, 2015

Netanyahu still beats a dead horse.

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is still beating a dead horse, the Iran nuclear plan accepted by all of the Security Council countries and Germany as well as the European Union. He describes Iran as central to supplying weapons to each and every terrorist organization, including those supporting Palestinians. In this indictment, he ignores the fact that his principal and really only ally, the United States, leads the world in arms sales and cannot control the end user. Netanyahu rests much of his international influence on the holocaust, the attempted genocide of the Jewish people. While horrible, and inexcusable, the memory does not last forever in the world. No more than Stalin’s post World War II slaughter of over 20 million Russians, fearing those who had been to Western Europe would return with political ideas antithetical to Communism. No one, except those involved, remember these events, and they carry less and less weight as the years go on. Old memories do not prevent new massacres—just look at events in Africa and the Middle East. Without minimizing the significance of the holocaust, it is only a constant memory for Israelis. The slaughter of the American Indians is only a constant memory for the Indians, not for the vast majority of Americans. Netanyahu’s constant bickering and efforts to interfere with America’s foreign policy, as well as being critical of the wishes of  the principle nations in the world, has resulted in Tel Aviv becoming more isolated than ever before. Not because she is a Jewish state, but because she plays poorly with other countries.

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